Our world is changing. As healthcare marketers, that change includes our media landscape. Since patients and providers access content across an increasing number of channels, we have to invest in more diverse, innovative ways to reach them. A look at pharma marketing underscores the need for a growing repertoire of media channels.
During the pandemic, healthcare marketers noticed audiences demonstrated preferences for certain media types over others. While digital display ads continue to generate the majority of digital impressions, audio advertising, streaming, and online video advertisements have grown by leaps and bounds at 61%, 18%, and 5% respectively. This growth encouraged savvy marketers to advertise on these channels to reach more eyeballs and eardrums and to sharpen their targeting.
Nearly all of the new advertising outlets available to marketers, allow for advertisers to create custom audiences for delivering messages to a pre-defined audience. Of course, not every organization has an existing database of the audiences they want to reach. (Wouldn’t that be nice?)
Fortunately, pharmaceutical companies and their agencies can purchase detailed data to reach members of the precise medical specialties in precise geographies with precise prescribing behavior.
At HealthLink Dimensions, we help our clients identify treatment insights, health plan affiliation, geographic location, and medical specialty so they can reach their prospects with precision accuracy – regardless of the media platform they use. We can even append an existing list with doctors’ and healthcare providers’ personal email addresses.
For organizations that rely on email marketing, we can enhance performance, including open rates and click-through rates, by providing the preferred time to send emails to each person on your list. We call it “Send Time Optimization,” and it can dramatically improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
We look forward to sharing more of our tools, data, and insights with you to enhance your next campaign. Click here to contact us and receive a complimentary sample list.
Citation: Caldwell, S., 2022. “What’s Brewing in Pharma’s New Advertising Mix – PharmaLive.” [online] Pharmalive.com.
Available at: <https://www.pharmalive.com/whats-brewing-in-pharmas-new-advertising-mix/> [Accessed 12 July 2022].