Doctors and other caregivers prefer email communication, but their inboxes – like ours – are inundated. With hundreds of emails flooding in every day, how can your emails stand out? HealthLink Dimensions developed a product to optimize recipient interaction: Send Time Optimization (STO).
Send Time Optimization uses artificial intelligence (AI) to examine and determine the ideal days and times to contact providers with a high success rate. That means it helps marketers reach recipients when they are actively engaged with their inbox. The numbers speak for themselves: users of Send Time Optimization experienced an increase of up to 6.6% in unique opens and up to 8.2% in unique clicks.
Send Time Optimization can be used with any email address, and there are no domain limitations. In addition, users can save marketing preferences for each contact based on historical data, providing rich insights for successful campaigns.
Put simply, this add-on to our email licensing is an affordable, efficient way to send the right message at the right time. Contact us to learn more about leveraging our tools to best engage your audiences.
Increase deliverability
Drive engagement
Improve open, click-through, and conversion rates
Enhance recipient experience