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Part 2: Crafting Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing is powerful for hospitals and healthcare facilities when executed correctly. According to Healthcare Success, 90 percent of adults prefer visiting a doctor’s office that communicates via email. It’s a convenient way for patients to get necessary information quickly without having to call the office and wait on hold for a question that could be answered by a message that’s already in their inbox.

But you can’t just send a generic message to everyone in your audience – using personalization in the subject line and pre-header text will lure them in. Then, it’s all about creating wholesome body copy that they can’t wait to read.

In Part 1 of our effective email marketing campaign series, we discussed the tiny details you need to pay attention to while crafting the perfect message to your target audience, plus the importance of personalization. This time, we’ll talk about developing your body copy and why storytelling makes an excellent idea in crafting the ideal marketing email:

How to develop your body copy

The language you use in the first few sentences of your body copy will determine whether the readers stays on the page or closes the email. You must develop a message that is informative, action-oriented and exciting. To optimize your marketing emails, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep things brief. Make it concise but also relevant to your audience.

  • Make sure it displays across different devices. Your emails should be compatible with various devices, such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

  • Provide a call to action. Give your readers a reason to check out your website.

  • Incorporate offers. Make the email sales-driven. Consider adding services options to the call to action.

  • Don’t forget to market your facility. Use the email footer or signature to your advantage. Add links to your social media account to encourage engagement.

Why consider storytelling in email marketing

If you’re having issues establishing an effective strategy for your body copy, storytelling is a smart path to consider. According to Forbes contributor Nick Morgan, storytelling in marketing is essentially a way to grab the attention of your readers, encouraging them to continue reading until they tie up the loose ends out of the information. This is a positive and useful strategy to consider that uses emotions to develop a connection with readers, as Justin Hipps, vice president of email and digital strategy at HealthLink Dimensions described.

“I believe when the brain sees or hears a story, its neurons fire in the same patterns as the speaker or storyteller’s brain,” he said. “This is known as neural coupling. ‘Mirror neurons’ create coherence between a speaker’s brain and the brains of his/her audience. In essence, storytelling literally synchronizes the listener’s brain with the teller’s brain, and typically, an emotional connection is established.”

Thanks for reading the second part of our effective email marketing campaign series. In Part 3 of this series, we’ll talk about new marketing trends to look out for as well as non-traditional strategies to consider.

Did you miss Part 1 of the effective email marketing campaigns series? Check it out here: Part 1: Crafting effective email marketing campaigns.

Need help strengthening your email strategy to reach healthcare professionals? We can help. Learn more about email solutions from HealthLink Dimensions here.


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